Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Czech Visit 2006

Today I'm at Hana's. She studies biology. She has a lot of animals. Some of them said: "Hi! We are stick insects (Phasmits). We are from Australia. We eat green raspberry leaves. We look terrible but we aren't dangerous. Do you like us?" Stick insects remined me of my first visit to Australia where I met the Tasmanian Devil. It's time to go back home!

The Czech Visit 2006

I am at Fanda's today. He is 7. He likes dancing. He goes to a folklore club once a week. Boys and girls sing there. I like it! They dance and play games. Fanda took me to his school. It is a very small school. There are only 28 pupils in four forms!

The Czech Visit 2006

Easter at Lukas
Today I am at Lukas'. He is 13 and has 3 brothers. We are going out with rattles. A lot of children from the village go with us. We go rattling three times a day. It is old Easter tradition. Biggest rattles are called wheel barrows. Other boys have fish-rattles. Small children have normal rattles.

The Czech Visit 2006

The Czech Visit 2006

2nd March
Today I am at Nicola's. She is 12. She likes music and cooking so we cook!

The Czech Visit 2006

Today I'm at Paulina's. She is 11. She likes dogs, music and computers. She has got two sisters. She lives in Nenakonice. It's a village near the town Tovacov. Paulina and I like cooking. We cook and play PC games. Her house is at a very old castle. Paulina's village is very nice. We watch TV and listen to the radio. Paulina has got a very nice bedroom.

The Czech Visit 2006

Od marca do maja w 2006 roku Baltazar przebywał w czeskiej szkole w miejscowości Dub nad Moravou. Gościli go uczniowie klasy szóstej pani Ivany Buchtovej.
Between March and May 2006 Baltazar stayed in the Czech school. His hosts were Ms. Buchtova's students - class 6.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baltazar's Cave

During holidays 2007, Mrs. Julia K. a Hungarian teacher, visited my cave in Cracow. She and her family walked around old walls, ejoyed sitting in the cafe and admired my cosy bedroom.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Wawel Castle

Here, many many years ago there lived my famous greatgreat....grandfather.